Rain Profile and Pictures

This page will give you a glimpse on who Rain is, how he started, his achievements, awards won, and his basic outlook in life. Pictures of him to drool over are also inluded in this page. Proper credits will be given to the original researcher of the stories and/or write-ups.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Rain Underwear Story

(Hostel part)

Kim: Is this your hostel?
Rain: It's my hostel

Kim: How long has it been since you've stepped into this place?
Rain: About a month plus

Kim: A month?
Rain: Yes, so when I bathe I'll use my feet and step on the underwear, wash them like this (demo plus hand movements)

Kim: Ah, so as you bathe, you also wash your underwear
Rain: Yup. When you bathe, the soap water flows down your body to your feet, so you can conveniently wash the underwear as well

Kim: I see!
Rain: Yes, then you don't have to wash your feet. You can rub them clean with the underwear.

Kim: Ah, Rain must use dance steps to bathe, don't you?
Music starts, Rain demos "shower dance". Kim laughs. Rain finishes off his "shower dance" with a sexy look.

Kim: Is this your luggage?
Rain: Yup

Kim begin to investigate the content. Rain tries to stop him
Kim: No matter what hyung does, you just sit quietly beside me and watch, ok?

Rain: (Clutches onto his luggage) Hyung, hyung...
Kim pulls away Rain's hands, ask him to let go

Rain: These are socks. I haven't got time to wash them, so I prepare more of them.
Kim: Ah, socks. I see you like these sexy socks (pulls out his underwears. Rain quickly snatches them over and hide them)

Kim: (Pointing to red underwear): I can see everything
Rain: (As he hides underwear away) These are...

Kim: These are the underwear you wash with your feet?
Rain: Yup

Kim: (Holding socks held together by rubber bands) Did you do these yourself?
Rain: Cute eh? I bought the rubber bands to tie them together.

Kim: There are spare ones too
Rain: I'm very meticulous. And very honest. Also...
(Takes out simple workout equipment from bag)

Rain: To save money, I always have my workout equipment with me (laughs)
Rain: This is for when you are watching TV. You train your biceps like that..

Kim: Ah, so the muscles are not from your usual training, but from crash workouts for the concerts (laughs)
Rain: (laughs) Yup. From crash workouts for the concert

Kim: So you're at the concert. Just before going onstage...
Rain picks up equipment and do a last minute crash workout (Laughs)

Kim: Then...ah. We've seen everything today...
Kim: (Takes out a notebook from bag and looks at the cover) I thought it's JY Park...haha
Rain: They're ballet dancers. I heard they only sleep 4-5 hours a day, training for near 20 hours. So that's how they practice, and I use this to push myself.

Kim: Ah, I see. You haven't have time to go home. When you look at the luggage, do you lonely?
Rain: Yes, very lonely. First and foremost, I feel very tired, working outside is very tiring. This is when I think of my fans and family. I have to work hard for the sake of my fans and my family. Regardless of whether I succeed or fail, I will go on...the music plays...


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